Tuesday, November 4, 2008


It´s interesting to see, how we all have different perspective, due to our needs, our situations and our health, what´s even more important, due to tradition.
I laugh sometimes when I see words, words look funny and are amusing to pronounce, as long as they have no meaning, to me, some words have meaning and others don´t, as I saw the english word sloppy and learned it meant something kind of unpleasant ... to me it looks like something nice, you know, puppy, poppy or happy, or maybe slippery or slope. :-) To me they are just letters creating words ... creating sense to things. To an english thinker, the visual experience I have is probably none existing, ´cause the words have to much of a sense of context, that may conceal the vision, the free vision without valuation. Once I read recurring ailment, to me that looks like something spicy coming from an alien ;-), well, I know the correct meaning, never the less, it´s sometimes fun to try and look upon matters with a free thought, to find new experiences.

I listened to an American lady in Washinton DC, she was a republican and attended in an intervju with a Swedish reporter. She said, "Sen.Obama, he´s a socialist, he´s bad, but as you´re Swedish you´d probably like him". To me, as a Swedish citizen, I just don´t get her at all, to me Sen.Obama is a very conservative man, he´s way too far to the right than any of our most conservative politicians in Sweden. And, Sweden is certainly not a socialist country, at least to me it isn´t, I work for a socialist party and we are in a clear minority and get a lot of crap talk aginst us. See, it has to do with perspectives.

We all follow the elections in USA, at the moment, I haven´t yet decided wether I´ll use the alarm-clock tonight and find out about the result in time, or if I´ll just rest in peace until morning and find myself waking up in an other world, together with the avarage Swedish citizens. My friends are already bored with this serial, it has been in my blog since springtime this year, but I believe the outcome is very important to the whole world, USA is a big and powerful nation, I can´t but hope the Amercian citizens are a bit aware of that, they have the power ... we have not.


  1. Interesting-- I was taught that Sweden is a Socialist country (and Socialism was scoffed at). I wonder what that says about the U.S. and our education system. Clearly we still have some weird anti-communist and anti-socialist stuff going on.

  2. So glad you commented this post, I´ve been a little anxious about your reaction to it .. as I actually say your country is properly Conservative.

    It all has to do with perpectives, as I said in the post, in comparision to American governing we probably are very much Socialist-like, at least closely related to it. Then it all comes down to what you put into the word, what is Socialism, really? Some people say socialism is not democratic, when I learn about the American voting system it´s impossible to me to to call it democratic, there are professional politicians who make the final decision and there´s far too much money involved, thus people with no means haven´t got much of a chance. I don´t know much about the systems in separate States though I guess it differs.
    This topic could be discussed for ever it seems, and it really interests me, politics is a game.

    To me Socialism, consisely, is a community where each and every individual in it has the opportunity to live in a tolerable existence and is demanded a contribution to society according to his/hers ability. And of course there has to be a Government to see to it that it stays that way, that´s the most difficult part in this reasoning. Sounds a bit like a dream, doesn´t it, we all know what often happens to people with power. We don´t have that here in Sweden, but there are partys trying to come as close as possible.
