Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the ark: the most radical thing to do


  1. Those shorts are disturbingly short. ;)

    I'm glad I kept listening. The first part really turned me off. The whole sing-along deal at the beginning reminded me (for some strange reason) of sitting in church when I was younger.

    But it got better. :) Still not my cup of tea, but better.

    Thanks for sharing!

    What I would really like to find is a radio station that plays industrial rock in languages other than English. I tried to find a Russian one, but didn't have any luck (all the lyrics were in English). But, it would probably help if I knew what the Russians call what I would call industrial rock so that when I search for it I'm not coming up with English-language stations. Oh well.

  2. :-) This guy, in his wings, is an entertainer, the band performs to a certain extent with irony as I see it, the singer, Ola, has this image about him that he´s some kind of "savior".
    This video go a few years back, today he has the part of Jesus in a Swedish production of "Jesus Christ Superstar". When being intervjued he says the play shows the kind of affect one person could have on lots of people, and he finds that fenomenon very interesting. He plays the same kind if part as a pop-star, doesn´t he :-)

    Yes I knew this music wouldn´t be your cup of tea, I posted it just to entertain you, cheer you up :-)
    Perfectly understandable reminder from church, and organ music as well.

    I don´t know of any industrial in Swedish, I´ll look into it and get back to you. My immediate tip would be to check out Belgian music, I listened to some synth/techno-kind in the eighties, and I found them a bit chilly and metallic, Belgium is kind of an "industrial" country music-wise. I had those records as vinyl, so, they´re gone from my collection and probably bought up by some youngster in a secondhand store. Unfortunately most of the bands sing in english though, some in french partly. I´ll check into that too :-) Fun!

  3. Hmm... Belgian huh? Hadn't thought of that, but it makes sense. Yeah, it would be nice to find more that aren't in English.

    I wonder if the bands you are talking about that you used to have on vinyl are the ones my friend listens to. I don't remember the names... but they are definitely from the eighties and definitely have a lot of synth...

    If you think of any, let me know. :)
