Monday, June 30, 2008

the other world ...

How can I get to you,
through these endless lines,
with people trying to penetrate my inner secretive me.
How will you get to me,
and how will you descern my light,
it´s soon gone, in the wind with the abandoned hearts.

There isn´t anything, is there,
to find behind the lines,
but as they are eternal I will not reach the final answer.
I don´t exist, do I,
it´s all been in my head, and you knew all this all from the start
and you tried to say ...

I can sense the wind,
and it will haunt me till the forthcoming end,
the only thing that keeps me up,
is knowing you are somewhere along this line,
with people not interested in my grief.
But someone out of reach will know
and I am not alone.

How can I ever get to you,
you´ve built a fence of callousness,
your delicate heart is filled with fear,
and hope mixed up with blue despair,
the lonelyness is ever so present among the descended crowd.

Keep fighting, keep struggling,
´cause there might be a day, we will come across,
upon the waves of the other world and seek away the dread.
Until then the road is jagged
and the backpack filled with leadbubbles,
the strap is tearing my neck to unbearable fatigue,
only one thing will hold my hand,
but it´s almost never there.

How will I get to you,
I know you´re somewhere out there,
looking above the crowd, to finally discover my weakening light.

Photo: Marcus Doyle

Monday, June 23, 2008

Twilight sleep

We need to turn our days back to normal, we need to get up in the morning and sound cheerful, and be loaded with energy. The summer in Sweden is so fucking boring, unless you´re filled up with expectations and own a wallet filled with valuable small papers. Seems everyone´s so fucking rich in this country, except for me and my friends, and the increasing bunch of people with sickness and unhealth.

This states of minds open doors to violence and destructive actions, the other day my friend said, "there is only a matter of time before we have a pupil with a gun, in a school close to us, using it". Only a matter of time, this country is going fast and faster into something we´ve never seen before. People in Sweden feel they are always protected, nothing bad could ever happen here, only this weekend youngsters tried to burn down our school, parts of the building is just gone... just like that, they were probably just bored, cause all the shops and funny places were closed, and most of the well situated families visited the countryside, or the parents lay in their beds with severe hangover from celebrating the midsummer. Young boys riding scooters, rob old ladies walking in the parks. Students use drugs, and the mothers find them dead in their beds in the morning, it´s among us, wake up, give a shit!

We have to turn our days back to normal, we have to raise in the morning, not sleep until twilight.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

closer to clues

I kind of lose hope sometimes, the forever lasting struggle takes a break and transformes itself to apathy and disappointment. All influences turnes me into this state of annoyance, people I kind of looked up to and kind of believed in and kind of admired for their strength to go on, when they can´t take it anymore I kind of lose ground. Is the struggle worth anything...

None of us can be a jesus, how do we keep up a fight knowing we´re gonna lose in the end, what use is there, the end would break us down. Anyway, luckily we don´t know about the end just yet.

I believed in you, I had trust and faith in you, I walked along your path and defended you, I walked till I lost all my energy and had to force myself to rest. What happened, you weren´t there for me, you accused me of ruining your life-creations and letting you down.
This has happened to me several times in life now, what am I doing wrong, how am I going to keep on moving ahead, could I have faith in anyone ever again.

Well, take a look at myself, I reveal a person having difficulties in saying "NO...", maybe I need to practise my "No-saying", and stop having such big demands on myself. But I can´t stop wondering, where do the accusations come from, mysterious ...

I read an article on one of my world-personalities whose work and activities gives me great pleasures, he says he isn´t pleased with himself, he´s haunted by an urge to do better, all the time, the things he does are never good enough for him, he wants to do something that matters. He has made a great career, made a good act, his achievement is more than enough.
He has reached out to millions of fans all over the world, he is admired and his music surely helps me and others through life and adversity.

Oh, I want to shout out loud, telling him ... cause my reflection is, if he isn´t satisfied, if the things he has done is not enough, what use is there for me to keep going, he´s achieved what others only keep in their dreams. Then, when I come to think of it, deeper, with fame follows lonelyness and probably misstrust, I have a clue what might be making him unsatisfied ... workaholics always run from something.

Monday, June 16, 2008

"Fear has governed my life... if I think about it" (TR)

Friday, June 13, 2008


Bear in mind, what makes you tired every day. Think it through, what kind of situations during a day really makes you really tired. I´m talking about the kind of fatigue that´s impossible to sleep away.

It´s stress, isn´t it from occurrences and tricky situations that are out of your control.

Why do these situations make you tired, well, because you´re disappointed in yourself or in somebody else, or because you´re afraid.

What is disappointment and what i fear, emotions, aren´t they.

Do these emotions really exist or are they just creations of your own.

If I´m sensitive and strongly susceptible, especially when it comes to emotions in atmosphere or unstable atmosphere, for instance when entering a room or a context where few or many people are gathered, then my own emotional stability comes in disorder. There are simply too much of impressions and anxiety affecting me, I can´t take it.

Too much emotion-collecting puts your whole personality at stake, cause I see this as collecting, as long as you don´t deal with it and realizing you have a problem, you start avoiding troublesome and demanding situations and people. If you don´t deal with it the outcome will inevitably be mental disorder, you will destroy yourself and become an illness...

Feelings and emotions have a very significant and important role in our lives, we have to learn how to understand them, how to interpret them and how to deal with them, whether they are based on an objective reason or are just engendered in our own heads.

From real life

Out of fear comes threat, the very last thing to use as a weapon before using violence.

Threat is violence in itself, could be a roar or a scream, could be ominous behaviour, could be written in literate and sofisticated words, noticeable only to the one it´s concerned,

Threat - violence, where is the psycological difference.

Power – control.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Stick Park

photo: Dave Hacker

Thursday, June 5, 2008

the very best state

Fight the power, fight or power, fight for power. What kind of power and for what reason. Is power always the best state, or no power - no responsibilities.

We fight for our life, to gain power over it, we fight against life, to gain a better life.
We fight against eachother, to have power over other lives,
we fight against ourselves, to endure our own flawed personalities.

Well, is it or power or for power or against power. One thing is for certain, it has to do with power, all along