Sunday, February 14, 2010

totally pointless

I actually saw Avatar, the movie, at the Movies ... big kinda auditorium with lots of quite comfortable chairs, to hang out in while watching a two and a half hour long movie together with a bunch of unknown people, about fifty of them this particular evening. *sigh* ... why do you do some of the things you do? Really... Somewhere I´d read something about this Avatar and had come to the belief that this was a movie worth watching, it was supposed to be a contribution to the environmental debate, it was supposed to show the consequenses when you severely exploit nature.

Well yeah, maybe it did, but the whole thing developed into some thick fairytale filled up with cliché characters, so unbelievebly dull. One typical hero, one typical heroine, one typical moron evil bad kind of guy with a certain need to kill everything that moved, including big trees ....

I ended up doing this for my daughter, and that was a reason better than most, but I was disappointed because I had expectations, which I´d already known but forgotten about not to have, and now again learned not to have when going to the movies ... *breathing* ... paying about 15 dollars a head for being bored, which has been one of the reasons why I haven´t been to the movies since I don´t know for how long, like for several years or decades even ... wow....

... well now I´ve been there and daughter is very pleased and my mates on Facebook compare it, Avatar, with the Pocahontas movie by Disney and that´s not a very far fetched comparison if I may say, and thanks to that I had myself a totally pointless blogpost this late evening. Not too bad.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

I don´t know how people manage, in general, me when too many necessary tasks pile up in front of me I kind of shut down, I turn my back on everything and walk away, mentally that is, I try to waste my resources on something else, because I just can´t cope with all these stuff that has to be done it smothers me ... and I sometimes visit the blogsphere.

To me I guess it wouldn´t at all be an effort, at least not a big one, to compose a personal blog and mumble about my thoughts and dreams and undoes and things I never achieved in life. There would be no need for ingenious endings, or new turns just for entertainment or to make the reader think again, and no need to highlighten interesting newsbulletins ... only one perpetual and intimate exposure of my life, straight from my head, how refresching!

But for some reason I want my blog to be, personal of course, but also of common interest to others, I want to write about things that make people think about things that matters ... (whatever that is you ask..). "sigh" Well yeah, things that matters, who´d really wanna know about my going over things again and again in my miserable and failure of a life, if I do that my readers will get bored and there will uprise a lack of interest ... at least that´s what I thought when I started blogging about two years ago. Little did I know.

I use Facebook, and in my status when I tell everyone what we had for dinner, or about an aching tooth, or about some poor TV-show, that´s when I get comments record! I posted a YouTube-clip with Amanda Palmer singing Hurt (by NIN), not one bloody comment, disappointed. I posted some words about how I rummaged around in my walk in wardrobe the other day, to find warm clothes I hadn´t worn for years, the outside temperature was 17 below (celcius) and I severely wanted to go for a walk, then I had several comments on that and it transfered into some weather discussion. That´s what people seem to care about, personal stuff and the weather. Comments on my blogs are almost totally non existing, and when they do appear it´s when you expect them the least.

some desk grafitti

What am I getting at here, well, at the end of the day people really seem to have a bigger interest in my personal life and doings, and other peoples personal life and doings, and celebrities life and doings and loveaffairs and wearings ... as in clothes, or not wearings for that matter, than in political questions and their enviroment, they´re not interested in their own future, only we´re good right here and now then everyone´s relieved and pleased.

But don´t you worry, I will never create an althrough personal and intimite blog ... though I sometimes enjoy reading them just to turn my back against my own boring must do pile. :-) too, I need to get away and dive deep into other peoples lives, that´s a phenomenon that would be really interesting to discuss, maybe it will appear in the Facebook-stream one day