Friday, June 13, 2008


Bear in mind, what makes you tired every day. Think it through, what kind of situations during a day really makes you really tired. I´m talking about the kind of fatigue that´s impossible to sleep away.

It´s stress, isn´t it from occurrences and tricky situations that are out of your control.

Why do these situations make you tired, well, because you´re disappointed in yourself or in somebody else, or because you´re afraid.

What is disappointment and what i fear, emotions, aren´t they.

Do these emotions really exist or are they just creations of your own.

If I´m sensitive and strongly susceptible, especially when it comes to emotions in atmosphere or unstable atmosphere, for instance when entering a room or a context where few or many people are gathered, then my own emotional stability comes in disorder. There are simply too much of impressions and anxiety affecting me, I can´t take it.

Too much emotion-collecting puts your whole personality at stake, cause I see this as collecting, as long as you don´t deal with it and realizing you have a problem, you start avoiding troublesome and demanding situations and people. If you don´t deal with it the outcome will inevitably be mental disorder, you will destroy yourself and become an illness...

Feelings and emotions have a very significant and important role in our lives, we have to learn how to understand them, how to interpret them and how to deal with them, whether they are based on an objective reason or are just engendered in our own heads.

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