Saturday, August 9, 2008

"You talkin´to me? Well, I´m the only one here."

Mr de Niro soon 65. When I was young, 18 or so, I admired him, he´d been in great films and he was a very good looking guy. I´d seen him in Taxidriver and that was during my own punk-period, when people in the street used to shout at me because my pants were torn and my hair was too short for a girl. You needn´t to be much of a deviant to cause provocation i those days, especially not in our small town, it was 1977...

Soon one of my youth-heroes will reach retirement-age, that really makes me feel old, still I keep the same kind of thoughts in my mind, rebel for ever, but my hopes of changing the world might be a bit weakened. I remember Robert de Niro from Novencento, a film that got to me at the time but later on I didn´t like it at all for some reason, there he was together with Gerard Depardieu, another actor I admired back then. The Brian de Palma film the Untouchables I´ve seen a couple of times and that film has its qualities in the actors indeed, I like the film though de Niro isn´t the leading carracter in that one. Of course we have Ronin, Jackie Brown, the Deer Hunter, the Godfather and Once upon a time in America and lots of others.
He´s still a good looking guy, isn´t he?

The words in the posting title is from Taxidriver of course, Travis talking to himself in front of the mirror.

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