Sunday, August 31, 2008

eco shopping

I finally found my first eco t-shirt at the reasonable prize of 199:- SKr, although it´s a bit more money than I usually spend on t-shirts ... I just had to this time. I bought it at an ordinary multiple store in the city center, but there were only a few to chose from, I say, that´s better than nothing, and it looked quite alright to me.

nintoledo again

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Meet you master

from Oakland Press:
Published Monday August 25 2008

Of the Oakland Press

"AUBURN HILLS -- Those leaving nine inch nails' concert Saturday night at the Palace certainly talked about what they heard. But they very likely talked more about what they had seen.

Never a visual slouch, Trent Reznor -- the creator of and force behind nin -- surpassed his previously high standards with his latest show, a jaw-droppingly inventive trip of the light fantastic that ranks in a league with past spectacles by Pink Floyd, U2 and Peter Gabriel, among others. For two-and-a-quarter hours the five-piece group toured nin's seven studio albums with fierce dexterity, but it doesn't slight the playing to consider it mostly as a soundtrack to the sights that accompanied the songs.

The entire evening, in fact, was an exercise in each number designed to surpass the others. Strobe effects from a rear-stage light wall helped the group charge into "1,000,000," while the same rig pulsated with a rolling, wavey quality during "March of the Pigs." Rich blues dressed up "Discipline;" flaming reds accompanied "Closer" and "Terrible Lie."

Opaque screens both in front and behind the musicians were used to stunning effect on songs such as "Gave Up," "The Warning" and "Vessel," giving the stage an almost high-definition three-dimensional appearances. A set of instrumentals from nin's self-released "Ghosts I-V" collection featured projections on a scrim in front of the band, including rain and "windows" that framed the band inside of the images. Extreme close-ups of Reznor singing appeared on the scrim during "The Greater Good," while eight black & white live shots -- ranging from the band on stage to fans in the crowd and in the Palace rest rooms -- appeared rear-stage during "Survivalism."

All of that was driven by more than two dozen songs from nin's angst-filled industrial rock canon, which Reznor has wrested from the major label world and his turned into his own concern this year with "Ghosts I-IV" and "The Slip." nin played six songs from the latter as well as four of the "Ghosts" pieces -- as well as an airy, jazzy, "Ghosts"-style treatment of 1994's "Piggy" (Nothing Can Stop Me Now)." "The Frail" provided a gentle, piano-based lead-in to "The Wretched," while "Closer" sounded phatter than ever and the trio of "Only," "The Hand That Feeds" and "Head Like a Hole" brought the main set to a driving conclusion.

The only downer on an otherwise magical night was the crowd size -- not even a half-house, with a large chunk of the Palace's upper deck curtained off and still plenty of empty seats in the lower. It's a come-down for a once multi-platinum group that sold out the DTE Energy"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

shut your eyes up!

This guy Darryl Smyers, I wonder what he´s like? This rewiew in the Dallas Observer (link) of the NIN-show is quite graphic in it´s description, but not very nice all through. He´s not at all happy about the looks of the NIN-fans, especially not the young women who´s grown older, and Trent is described as "a rahter stocky fellow", well maybe not totally wrong :-) but, so what ...?

Trent himself says his fans are the most important and that they should be treated with respect, if there would be a meet up between these two guys, mr Smyers and mr Reznor, it just might not be a pleasant one.
It could be though, that he´s telling a truth that is hard to tell, I wouldn´t know, I wasn´t there, but young people these days really have i kind of bodyfixation that´s not healthy and, they do dress very lightly.

I liked the rewiew, I could feel myself being there and I could feel the emotion in the music as he wrote about it, but I didn´t like the guy, just listen to his name... Smyers...? What´s that!? I believe he has a bodyfixation himself, he ought to have listened to the music and shut his eyes fucking up, or down.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday, August 9, 2008

"You talkin´to me? Well, I´m the only one here."

Mr de Niro soon 65. When I was young, 18 or so, I admired him, he´d been in great films and he was a very good looking guy. I´d seen him in Taxidriver and that was during my own punk-period, when people in the street used to shout at me because my pants were torn and my hair was too short for a girl. You needn´t to be much of a deviant to cause provocation i those days, especially not in our small town, it was 1977...

Soon one of my youth-heroes will reach retirement-age, that really makes me feel old, still I keep the same kind of thoughts in my mind, rebel for ever, but my hopes of changing the world might be a bit weakened. I remember Robert de Niro from Novencento, a film that got to me at the time but later on I didn´t like it at all for some reason, there he was together with Gerard Depardieu, another actor I admired back then. The Brian de Palma film the Untouchables I´ve seen a couple of times and that film has its qualities in the actors indeed, I like the film though de Niro isn´t the leading carracter in that one. Of course we have Ronin, Jackie Brown, the Deer Hunter, the Godfather and Once upon a time in America and lots of others.
He´s still a good looking guy, isn´t he?

The words in the posting title is from Taxidriver of course, Travis talking to himself in front of the mirror.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008